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Welome to PIPR-auctions
01/01/2022 00:00

Dear all valued fanciers,

The 9th Pattaya International Pigeon Race ”PIPR” would like to welcome everyone to the 9th PIPR auction. This year has been another successful race with participants total of 11,418 pigeons, from over 56 countries to participate with PIPR.

Our PIPR team, management team, trainer and animal husbandries would like to thank you for all your support, kind corporation, compliments and feedback that make all the races successful.

Lastly, we will continue the good work, honesty, transparency, and fairness to all fanciers. We are looking forward to welcome all fanciers to participate in Pattaya International Pigeon Race again in the near future.

Kind regards.
PIPR officials


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Register auctions account
01/01/2022 00:00

Register for New User


2.Click menu “Sign in” click on "Register"

3.Insert your detail. You must have the Country code and phone number.

4.Create your username and password a valid email. And click “Finish”

5.After click “Finish”, You will receive an email “Activation of your PIPR - Auctions account”, including a link that will bring you to the following pages. Click “Activate account”

6. After all done, PIPR staff will contact you and participant will be advised our auction rules properly before approval.

Registration example


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Registered of the pigeons
01/01/2022 00:00

Registered of the pigeons
The 9th Pattaya International Pigeon Race

PIPR Participating Countries:-

Total 11,418 Pigeons
Participating nations 56 Countries

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